Benedictine Campus Management

Campus Principal: Mrs J.F Zwane

MA; HNS; Ned; NMan; RN; RM; RCN; RPsy

HOD Fundamental Nursing Science and Anatomy and Physiology : Mrs J.F Zwane

Program Co-ordinator: Diploma in Nursing (R171) - Mr DT Mhlungu

MPH; RPHC; NEd; NMan; RA; RCN; RPsych; RN

Head of Department: Psychiatric Nursing Science - Mr DT Mhlungu

Program Co-ordinator: Advanced Diploma in Midwifery - Ms NP Mbanga

HNS; B.Cur; NEd; N.Man; RN; RM; RCN; NPsyc; ADM

HOD: General Nursing Science - Ms NP Mbangwa

Clinical Coordinator - Mr S Govender

MA, B.CUR; Ned; N.Man ; RN; RM; RCN; RPsych; ENS

Clinical Coordinator - Mr S Govender

Quality Assurance Officer - Ms N Gigaba

Bcur, NEd; N.Man; RN; RM; RCN

HOD: Fundamental Nursing Science / Anatomy and Physiology - Ms N Gigaba

Student Academic Development and Support officer - Mrs. RBN Mnyandu

BA; Ned; NMan; RN, RM; RCN; RPsy

Student Academic Development and Support officer - Mrs. RBN Mnyandu

Registrar: Academic - Mrs. ZH Mbuli

National Diploma in Human Resource Management

Registrar: Academic - Mrs. ZH Mbuli

Librarian - Mr. HT Chule

National Diploma in Library & Information Studies

Librarian - Mr. HT Chule

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Site last edited 25 June, 2024

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