Public Health Vectors and Pests

Field Crickets

Common Name Field Crickets

Scientific Name Gryllus spp
Size ½ to 1¼ inches long
Colour Black-coloured (sometimes brown)
  • Have long, slender antennae and a typical stout body (more robust than the house cricket) with large "jumping" hind legs.
  • The ovipositor may be up to 3/4 inch long.
  • Females have three easily seen appendages coming out of the tip of the abdomen, whereas males have only two.
  • Most chirp and may sing both day and night.
Habitat Outdoors in moist places
  • Field Crickets over winter as eggs or nymphs in moist, firm soil.
  • Each female lays between 150 to 400 eggs, which hatch in the spring.
  • Nymphs resemble adults except are smaller and wingless, molt eight to nine times and reach adulthood in about 90 days.
Type of damage
  • Outdoors, high numbers of crickets can damage garden plants.
  • Indoors, crickets can damage natural and synthetic fabrics, furs and carpeting.
Sources /  breeding Many begin cultures in late spring as temperatures must be 80-90° for breeding.
  • Prevention begins with reducing the amount of grass and weeds, and removing woodpiles away from buildings.
  • Seal entry points around windows and doors and other holes. Install screens on windows and doors.
  • Control can also be achieved using registered pesticide baits applied in a band between the buildings and grassy places outdoors.
  • For indoor infestations treatment of cracks and crevices may be necessary.
  • A vacuum may be used to mechanically remove crickets.

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