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Services offered at Northdale Hospital


X-Ray / Ultrasound Department

Radiographer in charge – Mrs Daddy

This department offers a 24-hour service. However, it operates with a full complement of staff only between 07h30 and 16h30, after which one staff member runs the department. Patients are attended to as they come, but appointments must be made for specialised procedures.

The following services are offered:

o General radiography
o Minor specialist services, e.g., intravenous pilography (kidneys), HSG’s – an appointment must be made for these services
o Minor surgery / medical cases

o General ultrasound, i.e., abdomen (liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.)
o Obstetrics (pregnant mothers) and gynaecological ultrasounds


Dental Clinic

Doctor in charge – Dr Ramphal

The Dental Clinic is open Mondays to Fridays between 08h00 and 16h00. Patients will not be seen between 12h30 and 13h00, and between 15h30 and 16h00 because of infection control procedures that must be undertaken at these times. The clinic is closed for lunch between 13h00 and 14h00.

The following services are offered:

o Consultation for oral health related conditions, e.g., pain, swelling, bleeding, etc.
o Oral surgical procedures, including extractions
o Prophylactic procedures, i.e., scaling and polishing, and oral health instructions
o Filling of dental cavities
o Root canal treatment (restricted to anterior or front teeth)
o Intra-oral (inside the mouth) and extra-oral (outside the mouth) x-rays
o Referrals to the maxillo-facial department at Grey’s

The staff in this clinic also provide services in other clinics and hospitals (mainly, consultations and extractions), e.g., East Street Clinic, Grey’s hospital, Townhill hospital, Gomane Clinic, Howick Clinic and Umgeni Midlands hospital. During these visits to other institutions staff are reduced at the Dental Clinic.

Visit your dentist regularly because your oral condition might be a symptom of something more serious.


UDokotela ophethe – Dkt. Ramphal

Emazinyweni kuvulwa ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu kusukela ngo 08h00 ekuseni kuya ku 16h00 ntambama. Kodwa ke iziguli azibonwa phakathi kuka 12h30 no 13h00, naphakathi kuka 15h30 no 16h00 ngenxa yokuthi kusuke kugezwa amathuluzi asetshenziswa ezigulini ngalesi sikhathi. Kuvalelwa idina phakathi kuka 13h00 no 14h00.

Yilolu usizo olutholakalayo:

o Usizo ngezinkinga ezihlangene nomlomo, e.g., ubuhlungu, ukuvuvukala, ukopha, etc.
o Okumayelana nokuhlinzwa emlonyeni, okuhlanganisa nokukhipha amazinyo
o Ukugeza nokucwebezelisa amazinyo, kanye nokwelulekwa ngokugcina umlomo uhlanzekile
o Ukugcwaliswa kwezimbobo emazinyweni
o Ukukhishwa kwezimpande emazinyweni ahlupha ngobuhlungu (amazinyo angaphambili kuphela)
o Ukuthathwa kwezithombe ze x-ray ngaphakathi nangaphandle komlomo
o Iziguli ezinezinkinga ezinkulu ezingalashwa kulesibhedlela zihluliselwa esibhedlela sase Grey’s

Abasebenzi basemazinyweni kulesisibhedlela babuye baye kweminye imitholampilo nezibhedlela ukuyolekelela khona, njengase East Street Clinic, Grey’s hospital, Townhill hospital, Gomane Clinic, Howick Clinic and Umgeni Midlands hospital. Ngakho ke, uma bengekho izinto zihamba kancane lapha eNorthdale. Niyacelwa ukuba nibe nesineke uma lokhu kwenzeka.

Vakashela udokotela wamazinyo njalo ngoba inkinga yakho yamazinyo ingaba inkomba yenye inkinga enkulu onayo empilweni.


The Eye Clinic

Sister in charge – Sister E M L Brown

Here are a few things to note about the Eye Clinic here at the Hospital:

- Patients are seen by appointment only. It is very important to keep your appointment and make sure you come on time on the day of the appointment (you must be at the Clinic door at 06h30 as the doctor starts seeing patients at 07h00). If you miss your appointment it will take you months before you can see the doctor again.
- Emergencies will be seen immediately. The fact that the Eye Clinic operates by appointment does not mean that if you have an urgent problem that the doctor cannot see you immediately. Please feel free to call at the Clinic if you have an emergency.
- The consulting doctor sees patients on Mondays and Tuesdays. If you have an emergency you must go to the Casualty Department where you will be assessed by a doctor and given priority for the next time the doctor is in the Clinic.
- Injuries on duty will not be seen at the Eye Clinic. Because injuries on duty are covered by employers’ insurances, these will be seen at public health care institutions and should go to private institutions.
- If you are transferred to another eye clinic (e.g., Grey’s, Edendale), you must provide your own transport.

Please feel free to speak to the nurses in the Eye Clinic if you have any queries.

Eye Clinic operating times:
Mondays to Fridays
07h00 to 16h00

Ante-natal / Gynaecology Clinic

Sister in charge – Sister S Govender

This Clinic operates from Mondays to Fridays between 07h00 and 16h00 and offers four (4) main services, i.e., Ante-natal, Gynaecology, Termination of Pregnancy, and Post-natal.

The Ante-Natal Clinic
This clinic will only deal with patients referred from primary health care clinics. The following services are offered to pregnant mothers:
o Blood tests, e.g., full blood count
o Ultrasounds where necessary
o Referrals to a doctor for assessments
o Other investigations, e.g., blood pressure testing, urine testing, weighing of patients, etc.

Gynaecology Clinic
This clinic will also only deal with patients referred from primary health care clinics. Cases that cannot be managed at Northdale hospital will be referred to a higher level.
This clinic offers the following services:
o Blood pressure tests, urine tests, etc. where necessary
o Full gynaecological examination by the doctor, which may include a pap smear, vaginal swab, gynaecology ultrasound, etc.

Termination of pregnancy (TOP)
Patients who request to terminate pregnancies must first undergo examination at the Gynaecology clinic. Once this is done, patients will be screened to determine whether the term of their pregnancy allows for a termination.
o Pregnancies of up to twelve (12) weeks will be assessed by a qualified Sister and the procedure for TOP will be followed
o Pregnancies above twelve (12) weeks will be referred to a doctor for assessment

Post-natal clinic
This clinic takes care of after-birth problems experienced six (6) weeks after delivery, e.g.,
o The removal of embedded sutures (normal suture removals may be done at a local clinic)
o Treatment of septic caesarean section wounds

Umtholampilo wabesimame USista ophethe – Sr S Govender

Umtholampilo wabesimame uvulwa kusukela ngoMsombuluko kuze kube uLwesihlanu kusukela ngo 07h00 ekuseni kuya ku 16h00 ntambama. Lomtholampilo usiza abesimame abakhulelwe, abanezinkinga zesinye, abacela ukuqedwa kwezisu, nalabo asebetetile.

Usizo LwaBakhulelwe
Omame abakhulelwe kufanele baqale emitholampilo eseduze nabo lapho bezonikwa khona izincwadi zokuza esibhedlela uma kunesidingo. Yilolu usizo olutholakalayo:
o Ukuhlolwa kwegazi
o Uma kunesidingo umame uyiswa emafutheni ukuyohlola umntwana
o Uma kunesidingo umame udluliselwa kudokotela ukuyohlolwa
o Okunye okuhlolwayo: ukuhlolwa kwepresha yegazi (blood pressure testing), ukuhlolwa komchamo, ukukalwa kwesisindo, nokunye

Nalomtholampilo usiza kuphela omame abaqale emitholampilo eseduze nabo base benikwa incwadi yokuza esibhedlela. Uma isibhedlela singakwazi ukusiza umame ngenkinga anayo, umame udluliselwa esibhedlela esikhulu. Yilolu usizo olutholakalayo:
o Ukuhlolwa kwepresha yegazi (blood pressure testing), ukuhlolwa komchamo uma kunesidingo
o Ukuxilongwa okugcwele udokotela, okungabala i-pap smear, ukuhlolwa kwamagciwane ngendlela ye-vaginal swab, ukuyiswa emafutheni ukuyohlola isinye nokunye

Ukuqedwa Kwezisu

Omame abacela ukuqeda ukukhulelwa kufanele baqale bayohlolwa kwidiphathimenti yasesinyeni. Uma lokhu sekwenziwe, umame uyahlolwa ukuthi isikhathi sisavuma yini ukuthi aqede ukukhulelwa.
o Uma umame ekhulelwe isikhathi esingaphansi kwamasonto ayishumi nambili (12) uhlolwa uSista bese siyaqedwa isisu
o Uma umame esekhulelwe isikhathi esingaphezu kwamasonto ayishumi nambili udluliselwa kudokotela

Usizo Lwalabo Asebetetile
Omama okunesikhathi esingaphansi kwamasonto ayisithupha (6) betetile basizwa ngalokhu:
o Ukukhishwa kwezitishi ezijulile (izitishi ezijwayelekile zikhishwa emtholampilo oseduze nawe)
o Ukulashwa kwemithungo yokuteta esesiswini esingenwe amagciwane

Paediatric Outpatients Department

Sister in charge – Sister Zondi

The Paediatric Outpatients Department (POPD) deals with children from birth up to the age of thirteen (13). The service is free for children from birth up to the age of six (6). Children older than six (6) must be paid for.
It is open Mondays to Fridays between 07h00 and 16h00.

The following services are offered at POPD:

o Anti Retroviral (ARV) Clinic, including pre-test counselling
o Medical and Surgical cases
o Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMCT) – this programme starts at birth to six (6) weeks until one (1) year (pelargon and prophylaxis is given)
o PCR (HIV testing) is done at 6 weeks for babies in the PMCT programme or those whose mothers were not tested while pregnant
o Immunisation Programme
o Health Education
o Integrated Management of Child Illnesses (IMCI)
- Diarrhoea management
- Treatment of worms
- Treatment of minor illnesses
- Referrals to local clinics
- Referrals to social workers
- Treatment of malnutrition – referrals to the Dietician
o Social Grant applications (assistance with completing forms)
o Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) Room
o Breastfeeding for two (2) years is emphasized

POPD is run by two permanent doctors and three staff members, i.e., a Registered Nurse, a Staff Nurse, and a Nursing Assistant.

Please bring immunisation card when coming to the POPD.
Chips and sweets are not allowed in POPD. 

Ebantwaneni (POPD)

USista ophethe – Sista Zondi

Lomtholampilo usiza abantwana kusukela bezelwe baze babe neminyaka eyishumi nantathu (13). Abantwana abangaphansi kweminyaka eyisithupha (6) babonwa mahhala. Abantwana abangaphezu kweminyaka eyisithupha bayakhokha.
Kuvulwa ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu kusukela ngo 07h00 ekuseni kuya ku 16h00 ntambama.

Yilolu usizo lwabantwana olutholakalayo ePOPD:

o Usizo lwabantwana abanegciwane lengculazi. Abafisa ukuthi abantwana bahlolele leligciwane bayasizwa nabo
o Usizo ngezifo jikelele
o Ukuvinjelwa kokudlula kwegciwane lengculazi lisuka ku mama liya ku mntwana (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission) – kusukela ebantwaneni abazelwe noma abangaphansi kwamasonto ayisithupha (6) kuya onyakeni (abantwana banikwa i pelargon ne prophylaxis)
o Ukuhlolwa kwegciwane lengculazi ebantwaneni abanamasonto ayisithupha bezelwe (6) abangeniswa ohlelweni lokuvimbela kokudlula kwegciwane lengculazi lisuka ku mama liya kumntwana (PMCT programme), noma abantwana omama babo abangahlolanga isimo sabo sengculazi besakhulelwe
o Ukugonywa kwabantwana
o Ukufundiswa ngezempilo
o Uhlelo oluhlanganisa ukulashwa kwezifo zabantwana:
- Uhudo
- Izikelemu
- Izifo ezincane ezijwayelekile
- Ukudluliselwa emitholampilo uma kunesidingo
- Ukudluliselwa ko sonhlalonhle
- Usizo lwabantwana abangondlekile (malnutrition) – badluliselwa kwi dietician
o Abazali bayalekelelwa ngokugcwalisa amafomu e social grant
o Sinegumbi lohlelo lokubuyisela uketshezi emzimbeni ngomlomo (Oral Rehydration Solution Room)
o Omama bayakhuthazwa ukuthi bamuncelise ibele iminyaka yakhe emibili yokuqala umntwana

Uyacelwa ukuthi uphathe ikhadi lomgomo uma uletha umntwana ePOPD.
Uswidi namashibusi akuvunyelwe ePOPD.

The Medico Legal Crisis Centre (ex – District Surgeon)

The hours of service of the Crisis Centre are Monday to Friday from 07h30 to 16h00. After hour Medico-Legal cases (Rape Victims and drunken driving suspects) are attended to by the Service Provider on call.

The aim of the department is to provide care to the patient holistically encompassing the physical, social and psychological dimension of the individual. Patients are preferably seen by appointment, with the exception of Medico-Legal cases. Patients are required to make an outpatient card before being attended to.


o Examination as well as drawing of blood of persons suspected of drinking and driving under the influence of alcohol
o Examination and treatment of assault and rape survivors. Survivors and family members are offered psychological counselling.
o Rape survivors are offered Rape counselling and HIV pre- and post-counselling. Post-Exposure Prephyloxis is administered if the survivor presents herself within a 72-hour period of the incident occurring and has a negative HIV status
o Certificates for mentally ill patients’ age estimation, mental state examinations and fitness to stand trial. Bloods are drawn for DNA testing for suspects at the request of a court or the South African Police Service
o Gender identification and age estimation for identity documents are performed at the request of the Home Affairs Department
o Medical examinations are performed on request by:
§ Place of Safety
§ Special Schools, Colleges
§ Rehabilitation Centres
o Social Welfare Disability Grant / Care dependency grant and grant in aid are done daily on an appointment basis
o Examinations and treatment of military pensioners, is done only for the disability that was sustained during his military service 

Udokotela kahulumeni (Medico Legal Crisis Centre)

Amahovisi kadokotela kahulumeni avulwa ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu kusukela ngo 07h30 ekuseni kuya ku 16h00 ntambama. Iziguli zibonwa ngephoyinti kuphela, ngaphandle kwalabo abeze ngezindaba zomthetho. Ngaphambi kokubonwa kulelihovisi isiguli kufanele sibe nefayela lakulesi sibhedlela.

Lelihovisi likhona ukusiza iziguli ngokugcwele emzimbeni kanye nasengqondweni. Yilolu usizo olutholakala kulelihovisi:

o Ukuhlolwa kwegazi kwalabo abasolwa ngokushayela bephuzile.
o Ukuxilongwa nokwelashwa kwalabo abadlwenguliwe. Kuphinde kwelulekwe labo abadlwenguliwe nemindeni yabo ngokwengqondo.
o Abadlwenguliwe bahlolelwa igciwane lengculazi (HIV) – bayelulekwa ngaphambi kokuhlolwa nangemuva kwakho. Loyo odlwenguliwe unikwa imithi yokuvimbela ukudlondlobala kwegciwane lengculazi uma efika kungakapheli amahora angamashumi ayisikhombisa nambili (72) futhi ethe uma ehlolwa kwatholakala ukuthi akanalo igciwane lengculazi.
o Izitifiketi ezisho iminyaka yeziguli ezigula ngengqondo, ukuhlolwa kokuma kwengqondo nokuthi umuntu usezingqondweni ezilungile na ukuthi angaquliswa enkantolo. Ukuhlolwa kwegazi ukuqinisekisa umsuka walo nakho kuyenziwa uma kufunwa inkantolo noma amaphoyisa.
o Ukuqinisekiswa kobulili neminyaka yomuntu kuyenziwa uma kunesicelo esiqhamuka kumnyango wezinkonzo zasekhaya (Department of Home Affairs).
o Ukuxilongwa komzimba kuyenziwa uma kucelwa ilezi zindawo:
§ Indawo yokuphepha (Place of Safety)
§ Izikole namakolishi ayisipesheli
§ Izindawo zokuqondisa izimilo (Rehabilitation Centres)
o Abafuna ukuthola izimpesheni zikahulumeni bayasizwa nabo uma benze iphoyinti
o Labo abahola impesheni yamasosha ngenxa yokulimala besemsebenzini bayasizwa nabo.

Anti-retroviral Treatment (ARVT) Clinic

Sister in charge – Sister Maharaj

The ARVT Clinic assists patients who have been infected with HIV. It operates Mondays to Fridays from 07h00 to 16h00 and is staffed by one doctor, two counsellors and two nurses. The Clinic works by appointment only.

Note: Unfortunately, only people living in the Northdale catchment area will be enrolled onto the ARVT programme at this Clinic. However, CD4 cell counts will be done for people living outside the defined catchment area.

To be enrolled onto the ARVT programme, one must have tested positive for HIV. If the HIV test was not conducted at this Clinic, proof of the positive status must be produced.

Patients requesting enrolment onto the ARVT programme will have to undergo the following six (6) week process (this is after an HIV test has been done and the results were positive, and after making your appointment at the Clinic):

Week 1: A CD4 cell count is done (Mondays and Wednesdays only). The results take about a week to be available.
Week 2: If the CD4 cell count is above 200, the process ends here. The patient will be counselled on positive living in order to sustain their health.
If the CD4 cell count is below 200, the patient is referred to the doctor for a clinical assessment (e.g., chest x-rays, identifying infections, etc.).
Week 3: Learning about HIV, its effects, and treatment starts. This is also known as Adherence Counselling.
Module 1 educates patients about disclosure of their HIV status and the stigma attached to it as well as positive living.
Week 4: Module 2 teaches patients about how HIV is transmitted and the opportunistic infections associated with HIV. At this stage, a multi-disciplinary team of clinical experts discusses the intricacies of each case and suggests treatment accordingly.
Week 5: Another clinical assessment is done and treatment is prescribed by the doctor. (Note: treatment is only prescribed at this stage, not given)
Week 6: Adherence counselling continues with Module 3, which looks at the drugs given for treatment and their side-effects. Once this Module has been concluded, taking of treatment can begin.

This process is compulsory for anyone requesting to enrol onto the ARVT programme. It ensures that the patient has a full understanding of their condition and its treatment as they need to take responsibility for decisions taken about their treatment.

Some points to note:
· You MUST have a South African Identity Document to be enrolled onto the ARVT programme (certified copies of Identity Documents are accepted)
· When you enrol onto the programme, you are advised to bring a person who is going to be your treatment supporter and help you throughout the process
· The Clinic doctor sees patients by appointment only on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 08h00 and 12h00

Umtholampilo wabanesifo sengculazi (ARVT Clinic)

USista ophethe lomtholampilo – Sista Maharaj

Kuvulwa ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu kusukela ngo 07h00 kuya ku 16h00. Iziguli zibonwa ngokwenza iphoyinti kuphela.
Okubalulekile: Iziguli ezihlala eNorthdale namaphethelo kuphela ezifakwa ohlelweni lokuthola imithi esiza ngengculazi (ARVT programme) kulomtholampilo. Kodwa ke, abafuna ukubala amasosha omzimba egazini (CD4 cell count) bayaluthola usizo noma bengahlali eNorthdale namaphethelo.
Ukuze ungene ohlelweni lwemithi kufanele ube unegciwane lengculazi. Uma itesti ungayenzanga kulesisibhedlela kufanele uveze ubufakazi bokuthi unalo ngempela igciwane i-HIV.
Uma sekuqinisekisiwe ukuthi unalo igciwane i-HIV, kufanele ulandele loluhlelo lwamasonto ayisithupha ngaphambi kokuba uthole imithi:

Isonto lokuqala: Kubalwa amasosha omzimba, phecelezi CD4 cell count (ngeMisombuluko nangoLwezithathu kuphela). Imiphumela iphuma emva kwesonto.
Isonto lesibili: Uma imiphumela ithi amasosha omzimba wakho angaphezu kwama 200, kuphela lapho – ululekwa ngokuphila impilo engcono ukuze ugcine isimo sakho sempilo sisihle.
Uma amasosha omzimba engaphansi kwama 200 udluliselwa kudokotela ukuyoxilongwa.
Isonto lesithathu: Lapha isiguli siqala ukufundiswa ngegciwane lengculazi, imithelela yalo, kanye nemithi yengculazi. Kufundwa uModule 1 kuya ku 3.
Esontweni lesithathu kuqalwa ngo-Module 1 ofundisa ngokuphumela eshashalazini ngokuthi unegciwane lengculazi nemithelela yalokho. Kuphinde kufundiswe ukuthi uphila kanjani naleligciwane.
Isonto lesine: U-Module 2 ufundisa ngokuthi lithelelana kanjani igciwane lengculazi kanye nezifo ezihambisana nalo. Kulesisigaba ithimba lezingcweti emikhakheni ehlukene lihlola isimo sesiguli ngasinye esikuloluhlelo bese lenza iziphakamiso ngemithi okufanele ithathwe yisiguli.
Isonto lesihlanu: Isiguli siphinde sihlolwe udokotela bese esho ukuthi kufanele sithole imithi enjani. (Okubalulekile: Imithi ayinikwa kulesisigaba)
Isonto lesithupha: Ukufunda kuyaqhubeka ngo-Module 3 omayelana nemithi ezothathwa isiguli kanye nemithelela yawo. Uma isiguli sesifundiswe saqedwa ngalokhu, sesingaqala ukuthatha imithi.

Loluhlelo lwamasonto ayisithupha liwumgomo, akekho othola imithi engakwenzanga konke lokhu okungenhla. Loluhlelo luqinisekisa ukuthi isiguli sinolwazi olunzulu ngesifo saso nemithi ethathwayo.
Okunye okufanele ukwazi:
· Kufanele ube nomazisi (ID book) wase South Africa ukuze uthole usizo lwemithi (amakhophi omazisi asethifayiwe amukelekile)
· Uma ungena ohlelweni lokuthatha imithi yengculazi uyelulekwa ukuthi uze nomuntu ozoba umsizi wakho kulo lonke uhlelo
· UDokotela ubona iziguli ngephoyinti kuphela ngoLwezibili noLwezine kusukela ngo 08h00 kuya ku 12h00

The Primary Health Care Clinic (PHC)

The Primary Health Care Clinic is there to help patients with common illness like the flu, headache, stomach trouble, etc. Patients can be treated and given medication at PHC without the outpatient file, which means no waiting in queues at the Outpatients Department. The nurses are qualified to make proper assessments of minor illnesses and dispense the right medication for you. The next time you’re in the Hospital for a minor ailment, just go straight to PHC.

PHC Operating times
Mondays to Fridays
07h00 to 16h00

Umtholampilo esibhedlela (Primary Health Care)

Uma uphethwe ukugula okujwayelekile okufana nomkhuhlane, ikhanda, isisu, nokunye, ungathola ukulashwa ePrimary Health Care (PHC – umtholampilo wasesibhedlela) ngaphandle kokulanda ifayela lakho komabhalane. Yebo, ungangena esibhedlela uqonde ngqo ePHC lapho uzobonwa khona oNesi bese bekunika imithi yokuqeda lokho kugula okukuphethe. AWUDINGI UKULANDA IFAYELA LAKHO KOMABHALANE NOMA UBONE UDOKOTELA! Onesi banalo ulwazi nobuhlakani bokuhlola izifo ezincane bese bekunika imithi – uma udinga ukubona udokotela bayokudlulisela kuyena. Uma uphinda uza esibhedlela uphethwe ukugula okuncane, vele uye ngqo ePHC.

Kuvulwa ngoMsombuluko kuya kuLwesihlanu
Kusukela ngo 07h00 ekuseni kuya ku 16h00 ntambama


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