Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

How to decide whether to worry or not!

Anxiety about a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) arises from two main reasons : either there has been sexual behaviour that may be unsafe or the person may have signs and symptoms that suggest a STD.

Sexually experiences that may cause one to worry

  • You recently started a sexual relationship with a new partner
  • Your partner has been 'playing around' and has been unfaithful to you
  • You've had casual sex with a person who is not well known to you
  • You find out that your partner has a STD
  • After a sexual assault
  • You have shared a needle with someone else for injecting drugs

Signs and symptoms suggesting a possible STD

  • Burning and stinging when urinating
  • A discharge from the urethra
  • A discharge from the vagina
  • Changes in the genital organs. Such as a sore which might be an ulcer, a hard nodule or a growth, itching or swelling of the vulva and vagina
  • Changes in the groin gland. Swelling of the glands, or ulceration, or a discharge of pus from the glands. These may be associated with pain or may be painless
  • Changes around the anus similar to those in the vulva
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Skin rashes of various sorts
  • Changes in other parts of the body including bones and joints, heart and blood vessels and nervous system.
  • It is important to remember that if you are worried that you may have a STD please get medical help. There are about 25 different diseases that are sexually transmitted. Of these only 3 are not totally curable. Some of the curable STDs can cause serious complications if they are not treated.

    Ukwesuleleka Ngezifo Zocansi

    Kunokukhathazeka mayelana nokwesuleleka ngezifo zocansi okudalwa izizathu ezimbili: okungaba ukuthi ekunokungaziphathi ngendlela kwezocansi noma umuntu unezimpawu ezikhomba ukuthi unesifo socansi.

    Izimpawu ezingadala ukuba ukhathazeke

    • Usanda ukuqala ubuhlobo bokwenza ucansi nomngani omusha
    • Umngani wakho akaziphethe kahle uyazulazula
    • Ube nokwenza ucansi lwesikhashana nomuntu omusha ongamazi kahle
    • Uthole ukuthi umngani wakho unesifo socansi
    • Emva kokuhlukunyezwa ngokocansi

    Izimpawu ezichaza ukuthi kungenzeka kube nesifo socansi

    • Ukushisa kanye nokuncinza lapho uchama
    • Ukuphuma koketshezi emthanjeni wokuchama
    • Ukuphuma koketshezi esithweni sangaphansi kumuntu wesifazane
    • Ushintsho esithweni sangasese. Okufana nezilonda, amaqhubu aqinile noma imila, ukuluma noma ukuvuvukala kwemithambo kanye nesitho sangaphansi kumuntu wesifazane.
    • Ushintsho oluveza izindlala, ukuvuvuka kwezindlala noma izilonda, uketshezi olusabomvu oluphuma ezindlaleni. Lokhu kungahambisana nobuhlungu noma kungabi nabuhlungu.
    • Ushintsho oluzungeze isitho sokuzikhulula
    • Ubuhlungu ezindaweni ezingezansi kwesisu
    • Amaquqhuva ayizinhlobo ezehlukene
    • Ukuphatheka kwezinye izingxenye zomzimba okuhlanganisa amathambo, amajoyinti, inhliziyo, imithambo yegazi kanye nemizwa yonke esemzimbeni.

Kubalulekile ukuqonda ukuthi uma ngabe ukhathazekile ngokuthi mhlampe ingabe unesifo socansi (STD) siza ubonane nodokotela ukuze uthole usizo lokwelashwa. Zibalelwa ku-25 izifo eziphathelene nezocansi, ezintathu kulezi azelapheki sanhlobo, kanti ezinye zezifo zama STD zona zingadala izinkinga ezinkulu uma zingelashwa.

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This page last edited on 05 June, 2023

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