eDumbe Community Health Centre

eDumbe Community Health Centre(CHC) is situated in the north western part of Kwazulu Natal under, Zululand Health District. eDumbe is located between Mkhondo (50km North) and Vryheid (50km South), it cover a geographical area of about 1947 km. The population is currently 94 959. eDumbe is also a home to a population of about 94539. It a referral point for 06 Clinics namely: Lunerburg Clinic, Ophuzane Clinic, Frisgewaarcht Clinic, Princess Mhlosheni Clinic, Hartland Clinic and Paulpietersburg Clinic we also have 04 Mobile clinics and 92 visit Points.


The community Health Centre (CHC) is located 5km away from Mpumalanga Province border (north) and 30km away from Swaziland border (north east). None of the above Province and Country has a fixed Health Centres until 50km and 100km away respectively. Based on this, it is assumed that about one fifth (1/5) of our client may come from outside our border (cross border patients)

The CHC is 2km away from town meaning its closer to the school and shops, upon entrance there�s ample parking space for visitors, people with disabilities and ambulances. Our institution is equipped with facilities for disabled people. We have park homes inside for staff accommodation but issuing of a park home depends on the availability


Services Offered at Edumbe CHC

Senior Management 

CEO Dr TH Ndlovu
DR-MM_Sibeko-Clinical Manager
Mr S Shandu - Finance Manager & Systems Manager
Mrs E P Mdlalose - Human Resource Manager
Ms MPZ Mdluli Monitoring and evaluation (ME)
Mrs L T Msibi - PHC Manager
Mr Sihle Sithole - Pharmacy Manager
Ms BTN Kunene Nursing Manager
Mr SL Khoza - System Manager

Telephone : +27 (0) 34 995 8500

Fax : +27 (0) 34 995 8579

Email :

Postal Address : P/Bag X322 Paulpietersburg 3180

Physical Address : Stand no 463 Paulpietersburg



To achieve optimal health status for all persons of eDumbe and surrounding.



To develop a sustainable co-ordinated, integrated and comprehensive health system based on primary health care approach through District health system.


Core Values

  • Trust built on truth, integrity and reconciliation.
  • Open communication, transparency and consultation
  • Commitment to performance.
  • Coverage to learn, change and innovate.



If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions or compliments regarding eDumbe CHC, please contact Public Relations Officer, Mr N Mhlongo


Name : Mr NKJ Mhlongo

Telepone Number : +27 (0) 34 995 8500

Email :