Legislative Mandate


  • Academic Health Centres Act (86/1993) Provides for the establishment, management and operation o academic health centres

  • Allied Health Professions Act (63/1982) Provides for the regulation of health practitioners such as chiropractors, homeopaths, etc, and for the establishment of a council to regulate these professions
  • Basic Conditions of Employment Act (75/1997) Prescribes the basic or minimum conditions of employment that an employer must provide for employees covered by the Act
  • Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act (53/2003) Provides for the promotion of black economic empowerment in the manner that the state awards contacts for services to be rendered, and incidental matters
  • Children’s Act (38/2005)  The act gives effect to certain rights of children as contained in the Constitution; to set out principles relating to the care and protection of children, to define parental responsibilities and rights, to make further provision regarding children’s court
  • Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (92/1996) Provides a legal framework for the termination of pregnancies based on choice under certain circumstances
  • Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Disease Act (130/1993) Provides for compensation for disablement caused by occupational injuries or diseases sustained or contracted by employees in the course of their employment, and for death resulting from such injuries of disease
  • Council for Medical Schemes Levy Act (58/2000) Provides a legal framework for the Council to charge medical schemes certain fees
  • Criminal Procedures Act (51/1977) (Sections 212 4(a) and 212 8(a) Provides for establishing the cause of non-natural deaths
  • Dental Technicians Act (19/1979)  Provides for the regulation of dental technicians and for the establishment of a council to regulate the profession
  • Disaster Management Act : Classification of National Disaster: COVID-19 (coronavirus) Notice on the classification of the COVID-19 pandemic as a National Disaster based on the potential mangnitude and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic on 15 March 2020
  • Division of Revenue Act (07/2003)  Provides for the manner in which revenue generated may be disbursed
  • Employment Equity Act (55/1998) Provides  for the measures that must be put into operation in the workplace in order to eliminate discrimination and promote affirmative action
  • Foodstuff, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act (54/1972)  Provides for the regulation of foodstuffs, cosmetics and disinfectants, in particular quality standards that must be complied with by manufacturers, as well as the importation and exportation of these items
  • Hazardous Substances Act (15/1973) Provides for the control of hazardous substances, in particular those emitting radiation
  • Health Professions Act (56/1974) Provides for the regulation of health professional, in particular medical practitioners, dentists, psychologists and other related health professions, including community service by these professionals
  • Higher Education Act (101/1997)  Provides for the regulation of Higher Education Institutions and its registration, including the formation of governance structures guiding education and training of students
  • Labour Relations Act (66/1995)  Established a framework to regulate key aspects of relationship between employers and employee at individual and collective level
  • Medical Schemes Act (131/1998) Provides for the regulation of the medical schemes industry to ensure consonance with national health objectives
  • Medicine and Related Substances Act (101/1965) Provides for the registration of medicines an other medicinal products to ensure their safety, quality and efficacy, and provides for transparency in the pricing of medicines
  • Mental Health Care Act (17/2002) Provides a legal framework for mental health in the Republic and in particular the admission and discharge of mental health patients in mental health institutions with an emphasis on human rights for mentally ill patients
  • Military Veterans Act, 2011 (18/2011) Provides for principles recognised by the State as governing the affairs of military veterans and for policy objectives in this regard
  • National Health Act (61/2003) Provides a framework for a structured health system within the Republic, taking into account the obligations imposed by the Constitution and other laws on the national, provincial and local governments with regards to health services
  • National Health Laboratory Services Act (37/2000) Provides for a statutory body that offers laboratory services to the public health sector
  • National Qualifications Act (67/2008)  Provides for a single integrated systems comprising three co-ordained qualifications sub-frameworks
  • National Roads Traffic Act (93/1996) Provides for the testing and analysis of drunk drivers
  • Nursing Act (33/2005) Provides for the regulation of the nursing profession and for the establishment of a council to regulate these professionals including community service by these professionals
  • Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act (78/1973) Provides for medical examinations on persons suspected  on having contacted occupational diseases, especially in mines, and for compensation in respect of those diseases
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act (85/1993) Provides for the requirements that employers must comply with in order to create a safe working environment for employees n the workplace
  • Pharmacy Act (53/1974)  Provides for the regulation of the pharmacy profession, including community service by pharmacists
  • Promotion of Access to Information Act (2/2000)  Amplifies the constitutional provision pertaining to accessing information under the control of various bodies
  • Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (3/2000) Amplifies the constitutional provisions pertaining to administrative law by codifying it
  • Promotion of Equality and the Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act (4/2000) Provides for the further amplification of the constitutional principles of equality and elimination of unfair discrimination
  • Public Finance Management Act (1/1999) Provides for the administration of state funds by functionaries, their responsibilities and incidental matters
  • Public Service Act (64/1994), as amendedTo provide for the organisation and administration of the public service of the Republic, the regulation of the conditions of employment, terms of office, discipline, retirement and discharge of members of the public service, and matters connected therewith.
  • SA Medical Research Council Act (58/1991) Provides for the establishment of the South African Medical Research Council and its role in relation to health research
  • Skills Development Act (97/1998) Provides for the measures that employers are required to take to improve the levels of skills of employees in the workplace
  • State Information Technology Act (88/1998)  Provides for the creation and administration of an institution responsible  for the state’s information technology system
  • Sterilisation Act (44/1998) Provides a legal framework for sterilisations, including for persons with mental health challenges
  • The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa (109/1996) places obligations on the state to progressively realise socio-economic rights, including access to to (affordable and quality) health care 
  • Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act (12/1999)  Provides for the control of tobacco products, prohibition of smoking in public places and advertisements of tobacco products, as well as the sponsoring of events by the tobacco industry
  • Traditional Health Practitioners Act (22/2007)  Provides for the establishment of the Interim Traditional Health Practitioners Council, and registration, training and practices of traditional health practitioners in the Republic