Nseleni Community Health Centre
Nseleni CHC is a 16 bed rural Community Health Centre situated between eMpangeni and Richards Bay at Umhlathuze Municipality under King Cetshwayo Health District forming part of Lower Umfolozi sub-district.
The catchment population area of Nseleni CHC is 103, 262. The population is mainly from rural and squatter camps and few from the Urban area. We also serve seven, Residential Clinics, that is Cinci clinic, KwaMbonambi clinic, Sappi clinic, Sokhulu clinic, Nhlabane clinic, Dondotha Clinic and Cilwane Clinic
Nseleni Community Health Centre has achieved different certificates of which amongst them there is a certificate of recognition for implementation of comprehensive care plan for the prevention, treatment, care and support of HIV and AIDS, STI and TB in Kwa-Zulu-Natal. It is also accredited to provide antiretroviral treatment.
Nseleni CHC is committed to quality service delivery based on Batho Pele principles with the acknowledgement of the Patients Rights Charter.
Senior Management

Telephone : +27 (0) 35 795 1874
Fax : +27 (0) 35 795 1923
Email : vusumuzi.khuzwayo@kznhealth.gov.za
Postal Address :P/Bag X1031 Richards Bay
Physical Address :645 Ubhejane Street, Nseleni Township
To provide the best quality Community Health Care services which are integrated to the District Health Systems within the catchments areas of uMhlathuze Kz 282 and Mbonambi Kz 281.
We are committed to deliver a high quality comprehensive health care to our community through preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative label of primary care based on Batho Pele principles with the acknowledgement of the Patients Rights Charter.
Core Values
- Trust built on truth.
- Teamwork and respect.
- Integrity and reconciliation.
- Open communication, transparency and consultation.
- Commitment to learn, change and innovate.

If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions or compliments regarding Nseleni Community Health Centre, please contact the Public Relations Officer,
Name : Mr Vusi Khuzwayo
Telepone Number : (035) 795 1124