Current Tenders

Bid Number

Bid Description

Closing Date
  ZNB5317 / ZNB5312 / ZNB5310 : Meeting Minutes / Presentation  
 ZNB5317/2024-H Consortium providing professional services consisting mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering professionals for the construction of new 550 bedded tertiary hospital Bid Document   Amendment   Closing date extended 21 August 2024
 ZNB5312/2024-H Consortium providing professional services consisting of project management, QS, construction health and safety - professionals for the construction of a new 550 bedded tertiary hospital Bid Document Amendment  Closing date extended 20 August 2024
 ZNB5310/2024-H Consortium providing professional services consisting of architect - civil-structural - professional services - professionals for the construction of new 550 bedded tertiary hospital Bid Document Amendment  Closing date extended 19 August 2024


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This page last edited on 26 July, 2024

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