Services Offered at eDumbe CHC

  • Family planning
  • Immunisation
  • Antenatal Care
  • HIV Testing Services (HTS)
  • Mental Health Care
  • Radiology Services
  • Laboratory Services
  • Dental Services
  • Mortuary services
  • Physiotheraphy Services
  • Dietetics Services
  • Social Worker Services
  • HAST unite
  • Mobile Services

  • Ukuhlela umndeni
  • Ukugonywa
  • Ukunakekelwa kwabakhulelwe
  • Amasevisi Okuhlola
  • Ukunakekelwa Kwempilo Yengqondo
  • Esithombeni
  • Abacwaningi
  • Emazinyweni
  • Indawo yokugcina abashonile
  • Izinsizakalo zokuvivinya komzimba
  • Abalulekwa ngomsoco wokudla
  • Izinsizakalo zosonhlalakahle
  • Ukuhlolwa nokulashwa isandulela ngculazi
  • Usizo lomahamba nendlwana

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This page last edited on 16 May, 2024

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