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Telephone: +27 (0) 33330 6146
CEO Cell: 060 531 2490
Fax: +27 (0) 33 330 5564
Email:  ayanda.mazwana@kznhealth.gov.za
Postal Address: P/Bag X23 Umgeni 3290
Physical Address: Main Road, Howick  Directions
GPS co-ordinates: 30.232779 | -29.5008778

Senior Management Team

Vision  A leading provider of optimal health care services for the mentally challenged individuals with associated physical and behavioural conditions within KwaZulu-Natal.

To provide sustainable, comprehensive, integrated, efficient and cost- effective quality care directed at improving quality life for the mentally challenged individuals, based on Primary Health Care approach through district health system.

Core Value

  • Commitment to service excellence
  • Respect for human dignity, for our clients and patients
  • Honesty, trustworthiness and integrity
  • Maintain open communication, transparency and consultation at all levels.
  • Respect for socio-cultural and religious values.
  • Courage to learn and innovate.
  • Job creation, poverty alleviation for the betterment of life of citizens of KwaZulu-Natal including the previously disadvantaged groups.

Services offered at Umgeni hospital

Umgeni Hospital is a specialised hospital situated in Howick, which provides care for intellectually challenged persons with physical and multiple disabilities. The degree of mental condition ranges from severe to profound. The hospital caters for people of all races from 3 years and onwards within KwaZulu- Natal Province.

Umgeni Hospital has 411 usable beds and provides comprehensive and compassionate care approximate 362 intellectual challenged individuals with severe to profound mental retardation. To be able to maintain quality of patient care, Batho Pele Principles and Patients Rights are adhered to.

Patients are accommodated in 12 wards according to the nursing care and treatment they require. Individual wards accommodate between 26 to 52 patients, thereby making a homely atmosphere difficult, but we try our best. We have no security wards Mental Health Care User’s are allowed to move around within the institution.

Map showing location of Umgeni Hospital

 Criteria for admission to Umgeni hospital

Hospital Newsletter    

If you have any questions, complaints, suggestions or compliments regarding Umgeni Hospital, please contact the Public Relations Officer, Miss Ayanda Biyase
Tel No.: 033 330 6146
Fax No: 033 330 5564
E-mail: ayanda.mazwana@kznhealth.gov.za

Site last edited on 03 May, 2024 

KZN Department of Health

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Copyright © KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health, 2001

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