About the KZN College of Nursing

The vision of KZNCN is leadership and excellence in nursing education through production of competent nurses and midwives/accouchers capable of rendering optimal and quality health care to the population of KwaZulu-Natal province and globally.

The mission of KZNCN is to provide accessible and affordable undergraduate and postgraduate education and training of nurses and midwives/accouchers competent to enhance individual, family and community-based health in a culturally diverse society. The mission will be accomplished through

  • Offering integrated and comprehensive nursing education programmes with clinical learning exposure and evidence-based approach to teaching and learning. Programmes offered are relevant and responsive to the current and future health care needs of the population and the country's burden of disease.

  • Employment of appropriately qualified and competent staff that is committed to offering/implementing quality nurse education programmes.

Promotion of the integration of theory, practice and research to advance scientific and theoretical foundations of nursing to improve health outcomes within all health care settings.

  • Excellence: State of continually striving towards achieving the highest standard and quality.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility and quick response to unexpected changing, evolving and unpredictable situations involving self, individuals, families, groups and communities.
  • Accountability: Ability to take responsibility and be answerable for one's own actions
  • Creativity: Scholastic ability to develop innovative products.
  • Honesty: Characteristic of being truthful, fair, honest and morally upright.
  • Respect Acknowledgement, consideration, appreciation and regard for the unique and different contributions made by all.
  • Caring: Ability to transcend self and serve all people with consideration given to the holistic nature of people, and the complexity of the human condition.
  • Integrity: Sound moral and ethical principles and consistency that stand out even under scrutiny.
  • Trust: Being trustworthy and dependable in interaction with clear open communication.

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Site last edited on 21 February, 2017 10:21 AM

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