Umzinyathi District

Umzinyathi District Office


Umzinyathi is situated in the north central region of KwaZulu-Natal. Umzinyathi is bordered by the following 6 districts; in the north by Amajuba, north east by Zululand, east by King Cetshwayo, south east by ILembe, south west by Umgungundlovu and west by Uthukela.

The district has a population of 571,650 of which 93% (531,634) are uninsured and depend heavily on state health services Umzinyathi is an underdeveloped rural environment with little economic growth and a sparse population density. The district is faced with the following challenges:

  • Umzinyathi is classified as Socio Economic Quintile 1- ranking amongst the poorest districts in the country
  • Mountainous topography, deep valleys and rugged terrain which affects access to services
  • Lack of access to safe water and sanitation
  • High uninsured population of 93%
  • High unemployment rate of 36.6%
  • Intensity of Poverty 43.7%
  • Close to one third of district population is dependent on Social Grants
  • High illiteracy rate of 21.1%
(source StatsSA Community Household Survey 2016 and Blue Drop Report)

The most prevalent diseases in the district are HIV/AIDS, respiratory conditions, gastro enteritis, and hypertension.

1st Level (Clinics)

Clinics provide primary healthcare which includes. This District has 53 Clinics, which offer PHC package of services

2nd Level (CHCs)

The District has the Pomeroy Community Health Centre (CHC) located in Msinga Sub District which offers a comprehensive PHC package of service as well as some District hospital services viz. a short stay facility. The CHC also offers Outreach activities through the Municipal Ward Based Outreach Team. Door to door health services are offered.

3rd Level (District Hospitals)

The District has 4 District Hospitals; Dundee Hospital, Charles Johnson Memorial Hospital , Church of Scotland Hospital and Greytown Hospital

Specialised Hospitals The District has a specialised TB Hospital in Greytown which falls under Umvoti Sub District

Know your hospital CEOs, District Director and EMS: Umzinyathi

Mrs R Sibiya: DD: Clinical Programmes

Mrs R Sibiya : Acting District Director

Mr A Gurudial: DD: Planning

Mr A Gurudial: DD: Planning

Mrs DJ Govender: DD: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Mrs DJ Govender : DD: Planning, M & E

Mrs NP Phungula-Chiya: DD: Finance

Mrs NP Phungula-Chiya : DD: Finance

Mr A Buthelezi: District Engineer

Mr A Buthelezi: District Engineer

Mrs S Mazibuko: DD: Pharmaceutical Services

Mrs S Mazibuko : DD: Pharmaceutical Services

Miss Z Hadebe: DD: National Health Insurance

Miss Z Hadebe: DD: National Health Insurance

Mr N Shezi: DD: Human Resource Management

Mr N Shezi: DD: Human Resource Management

Telephone : +27 (0) 34 299 9100

Fax : +27 (0) 34 212 4800


Postal Address: P/bag X2052 Dundee 3000

Physical Address: 34 Wilson Street Dundee

Vision A leader in providing District Health Services within South Africa and in African countries.


To provide a high quality health care service that is efficient, effective, accessible, economical, equitable and sustainable in order to achieve optimal health status for all persons within Umzinyathi Health District.

Core Values

  • Legacy Value: Leading in District Health Services
  • Foundation Values: Respect, trust, honesty, commitment
  • Service Value: Innovation, efficiency, economical, flexibility, risk taking
  • Resultant Benefit Values: Empowerment, skills development, poverty

Achievements for Umzinyathi Health District

Flagship health programmes

Main challenges within the district

Health Facilities within Umzinyathi District

  • 4 district hospitals
  • Pomeory Community Health Centre
  • 53 Provincial Fixed PHC clinics, including 4 Gateway clinics, 13 mobile clinics,
  • 24 hour clinic: Nondweni which operates 24 hours on call
  • 1 Regional Laundry
  • EMS district office, 4 EMS bases
  • 2 Forensic pathology Services (Dundee and Greytown)
  • 4 HTA (High Transmission Area) Mobile clinics
  • 2 STI Sentinel Sites (CJM Mobile 3 and Glenridge clinic)
  • 22 School Health Teams (ISHP)
  • 24 Ward Based Outreach Teams (WBOT)
  • 56 War Rooms
  • 525 Community Care Givers (CCGs)

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This page last edited on 08 November, 2024

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